Well as the title of this posts suggests we are celebrating around here, it has now been 1 year since Kurt finished chemo and he now only needs tests evey 2 months...this is very exciting for us. He had a CT scan last week and it came back clear, I feel very positive that we have left the cancer behind. I still get scared every now and then especially recently while Kurt had a cough that he just couldn't shake, 2 rounds of antibiotics later and it seemed to finally go. He still coughs a bit though when he exerts himself too hard, like the other day when the car got stuck and he had to push...read on for that one. I don't know whether the ability to shake the cough is affected by the lung scarring he has been left with after chemo...either way I worry whenever he says something doesn't quite feel right.
Now for the car story. It rained about 10 days ago and it really rained...I think it was about 3 days worth, almost non stop. That doesn't happen often and so people got really excited by it. Except for the fact that it was so incredibly humid, 99% one day. It flooded in many places in the outback, Alice Springs and Coober Pedy got a lot of it. As a result of the rains a lot of lakes filled up and in particular one about 40kms south of Roxby, Lake Mary. So we went out there on Saturday for a drive with Kurt's dad and we stopped in some soft dirt and the car got stuck. We were lucky that there were some school teachers around who helped push the car out. We have attached some photos of the lake and a few others for you all.
Just after new year Kurt and I moved out of his parents house. His friend Darren and his fiance Lisa were moving into a 3 bedroom house and invited us to move in and half the rent. It is a good chance for us to get some independence back and to give his mum and dad some space. Darremn and Lisa are only staying in Roxby till the end of the year so after that we will move back in with them.
The other big news is that we have booked our tickets to head home to NZ for a visit. We will be there from March 9th till the 25th, spending time in Christchurch, Wellington, Hastings and Auckland. We are both really excited. I am so excited in fact that my boss worries I won't return, I do fear that by going home it will stir up homesickness just when I am really getting used to this place, but nothing will stop me from going.
There is not much else to say for now...will try to be more consistent in our postings.

Lake Mary

900yr old Gum Tree @ Orrorroo